The staff of the Anti-Corruption & Governance Center at CIPE has compiled this list of recent publications and resources to help the global anti-corruption community, and is updated monthly. The most recent entries are placed near the top and extend through the last thirty days. We welcome your suggestions for additional articles, reports, and… Read More

Over a year since widespread lockdowns began and just a few months since COVID-19 vaccines started a mostly slow rollout, glimmers of hope are contrasting with deep ongoing crises around the world. Alongside the massive human and economic costs, the COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by an unprecedented global surge in cases of fraud, public… Read More

In early summer 2020, CIPE’s ACGC team conducted a survey of CIPE partners in emerging economies to learn how they perceived the COVID-19 pandemic was impacting public corruption. With lockdowns in place and CIPE’s international travel on indefinite hold, this survey provided ACGC an important view of circumstances on the ground during the early months… Read More

  As the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly become the largest global humanitarian crisis in a generation, front-line humanitarian aid workers need better training to avoid the damaging practical, financial, and reputational costs of corruption.  The pandemic has prompted calls for a massive humanitarian response. As cases and deaths have continued to rise around the world,… Read More

Compiled by the staff of the Anti-Corruption & Governance Center, this list of publications and resources may be of use to the global anti-corruption community. The most recent entries are placed near the top. We welcome your suggestions for additional articles, reports, and resources on this issue. Note: last updated on July 21, 2020; some… Read More

The coronavirus pandemic is a complex, multifaceted crisis. In addition to the devastating human toll, the pandemic has quickly put many businesses at risk of permanent closure. As government stimulus funding around the world has shored up the balance sheets of large and well-connected businesses, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have remained especially vulnerable…. Read More

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