Resources & Publications


A How-To Guide to Anti-Corruption Messaging

“The central message of the how-to guide is that to avoid wasting money, or distributing messages that have unwanted effects, it is essential to follow the ‘three Ts’: Tailor, Target and Test."


PROTECT: Promoting Responsible Ownership & Transparency in Critical Minerals

CIPE’s Systematic Approach to Regional Value Creation


Democracy that Delivers #397: Upholding the Ruggie Principles in Colombia’s Private Sector

The Ruggie Framework is a three-pronged approach that includes the obligations of corporations to uphold human rights, the responsibility of the state to protect those rights, and the provision of effective remedies for any infringements. 


Democracy that Delivers #396: Combatting Corruption in Sudan: A New Coalition Emerges

ACT-Sudan is a newly establish coalition dedicated to combating corruption in Sudan. Founding member, Omayma Gutabi, discusses how tackling corruption issues is the key to ending the war in Sudan and restoring peace.


Galvanizing the Private Sector as Partners in Combating Corruption

Through its “Galvanizing the Private Sector as Partners in Combating Corruption” initiative (GPS), the United States Department of State is making its largest-ever investment in strengthening global business integrity.


ACGC Rapid Response External Resource Database

This database contains resources that CIPE and partners the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) believe could be useful for organizations seeking to tackle windows of opportunity.

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