business integrity

This blog is part of a two-blog series discussing business integrity initiatives in Mexico. In part two, we explore specific compliance measures and internal controls that companies are implementing and how these practices align with international compliance standards and best practices.  CIPE’s Anti-Corruption and Governance Center’s Program Associate Lydia Roeder spoke with CIPE Consultant Gabriela… Read More

This blog is part of a two-blog series discussing business integrity initiatives in Mexico. In this blog, we explore the journey of Mexican companies working towards a more compliant and ethical environment, highlighting their achievements and ongoing challenges. In recent years, Mexico’s government and private sector have made progress in combating corruption by establishing the… Read More

As government, NGO, and business leaders met in The Hague earlier this month for the World Justice Forum, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) led a panel on how Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing can help reinforce democratic institutions. The June 2 event brought together two communities that don’t usually engage with one… Read More

In an important step for Indonesia’s first-ever private sector coalition against corruption, 450 business stakeholders and integrity professionals tuned in to hear about the initiative during Indonesia’s 2021 International Business Ethics Conference, an annual mega-seminar. The presentation revealed growing private sector interest in anti-corruption after a year where headlines were filled with numerous COVID-19 related corruption… Read More

Stakes are high as the Group of Twenty (G20) prepares for its November 2020 Summit in Saudi Arabia. The COVID-19 pandemic has delivered a systemic shock to the social and economic fabric of countries around the world. Leaders in business and government are grappling with fluctuating health restrictions—including a new round of lockdowns in many… Read More

The economic impact of the COVID-19 emergency has caused unexpected and dramatic disruptions in global supply chain. Rapidly changing government policies, restrictions in mobility, and unpredictable customer demands stemming from the health crisis have battered logistics networks and put severe strain on businesses. Troublingly, these disruptions have heightened the appeal of corrupt and unethical practices… Read More

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