The staff of the Anti-Corruption & Governance Center at CIPE has compiled this list of recent publications and resources to help the global anti-corruption community, and is updated monthly. The most recent entries are placed near the top and extend through the last thirty days. We welcome your suggestions for additional articles, reports, and… Read More
Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church and Diana Chigas take a deep dive into the role of social norms as drivers to widespread corruption in Social Norms, Corruption & Fragility (2019). The report, published by the Henry J. Leir Institute in the Fletcher School, makes an incisive critique of traditional anti-corruption programming, which can lack proper analysis of the… Read More
Open Ownership, an organization dedicated to increasing corporate transparency, has recently released a guide that serves as a useful explainer of beneficial ownership transparency policies. Beneficial ownership transparency means that legal entities (such as companies) must disclose information about the people who ultimately own, fund, and/or control them. Anonymous “shell” companies can play a significant… Read More