Making anti-corruption training widely accessible and scalable in this day and age often means taking it online. Most multinational companies have done exactly that to extend the reach of their training to employees and subsidiaries globally. Yet, few training resources exist for local companies in these countries who aspire to join global value chains. To… Read More
Compliance is a key component in the foundation and success of any organization. As a result, more organizations have begun to invest in compliance training programs, with the goal to create a better workplace that is equipped to take action to prevent and address misconduct. According to a recent survey from the Society of Corporate… Read More
Participants at Ethisphere’s 2014 Europe Ethics Summit. In today’s global business environment, corruption poses a risk that companies with operations around the world must understand and manage effectively. Those that do reap the benefits. As the Ethisphere Institute points out, the business case is clear: the five year annualized performance of the World’s Most Ethical… Read More
Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index ranks Kenya in a distant 136th place. That low ranking confirms the sentiment often encountered in Nairobi: corruption is widespread in many aspects of life, from bribing a policeman to avoid charges for alleged traffic violations to graft at the highest levels of government, as poignantly described by a British… Read More