France has long been criticized for falling short on enforcement of its international obligations to fight corruption abroad, including the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention that mandated member states to criminalize bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions. That changed with the introduction of Sapin II, a new law similar to the U.S. Foreign… Read More
Corruption in global value chains remains among the top risks that companies around the world must mitigate. Most multinational corporations have gone to great lengths to ensure anti-corruption compliance among their business partners abroad. However, many firms in emerging markets – especially the smaller ones – still do not necessarily know how to go about… Read More
With international value chains becoming more sprawling and complex, the idea of risk management in such behemoth structures may cause compliance practitioners to break out in a cold sweat. That’s especially true when corporate corruption scandals make headlines across the world, denting stock prices and ruining hard-won reputations. It is hard to think of an… Read More
Faced with a corrupt judicial system, what strategies do Russian businesses employ to resolve business disputes? Lately, less murder and more litigation. Faced with multinational firms who are liable under U.S. and U.K. laws for their Russian partners’ corrupt practices, how do Russian businesses gain access to international partners? Start putting in place anti-corruption compliance… Read More
Corruption is one of the biggest challenges facing the developing world: it has a corrosive effect on democratic governance, undermines public trust, and wastes scarce resources. Crucially, corruption also represents a destructive tax on the private sector that hampers economic growth and development prospects. A new paper by the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ (CSIS)… Read More