Photo Credit: Pinterest Around the world, legislators and consumers alike are paying greater attention to supply chains these days. The Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, alleged use of child labor by Samsung suppliers, or numerous eye-popping fines for foreign bribery involving companies in various industries (GSK, Alstom, or Telia to name just a few)… Read More
Photo Credit: Wikimedia In a recently released 2016 FM Global Resilience Index, which ranks the resilience of 130 countries to supply chain disruption, Pakistan ranked 117. Why is resilience important in business, especially in developing countries like Pakistan? Resilience is the ability to withstand disruption and rebound quickly when necessary. It is especially vital for… Read More
By Declan Croucher, Verité Verité’s on-the-ground research, risk assessments, and monitoring work in global supply chains routinely uncover situations where unethical labor brokers and corrupt government officials are instrumental in greasing the wheels of labor trafficking. The foreign subsidiaries, franchisees, joint ventures, and suppliers of global multinationals who end up employing trafficked migrant workers frequently express… Read More
In a worrying sign for Pakistan’s ability to attract and maintain foreign investment, two prominent manufacturers have announced recently that they are pulling out of the market, citing supply chain concerns including corruption. “Investors are the backbone of any country. Protection of their interests is an important duty of the market regulators,” noted Shariq Zaidi,… Read More
In recent years, the private sector has been increasingly responsive to supply chain issues. This is a result of two distinct forces – one related to corruption, and the other related to issues such as human trafficking and child and other labor issues. While the focus on corruption has largely resulted from legislation such as… Read More
“I see a great need of vendor supply chain training providers to run the show effectively. If we want growth, train the relevant person first” — Ayesha Muharram, Chief Internal Auditor and Country Compliance Officer, Glaxo Smith Kline. Lately it has become a requirement among multinational companies to comply with international anti-corruption laws such as U.S…. Read More