Middle East and North Africa

Graffiti art produced at LTA-LABN’s public rally held in the Beirut Souks, September 12, 2014. CIPE partner the Lebanese Transparency Association (LTA) recently wrapped up a banner month in its fight against corruption in Lebanon. CIPE’s partnership with LTA dates back over ten years, and since 2012 CIPE has been supporting LTA through a grant… Read More

A lab technician went to the office of a public official to renew her work contract with a municipal laboratory in northern Lebanon. Several days after submitting her request, the official’s secretary invited her to come to his office. Hoping to finally receive his signature on her contract renewal, the young woman arrived at the… Read More

Health care professionals in Egypt conduct a stakeholder analysis to help spell out governance principles for Egyptian hospitals. A hip replacement in the United States, paid for out-of-pocket (i.e., without health insurance), would cost anywhere from $11,000 to $125,000, depending on what hospital you go to, according to a 2013 survey of 100 hospitals featured… Read More

CIPE partner the Iraqi Businessmen Union leads a public-private dialogue session in Baghdad, Iraq. The Iraqi private sector continues to pursue steps towards building a modern market economy. Over recent decades, Iraq’s institutions supporting the economy became highly centralized as authoritarian rule sought to enhance state economic and political control. In Iraq today, government officials… Read More