While in the past 20 years the international community has made strides in acknowledging that corruption contributes to and facilitates human rights abuses, it has yet to acknowledge that acts of official corruption are in and of themselves human rights abuses. In other words, we treat corruption as a symptom rather than a cause of… Read More

By Declan Croucher, Verité Verité’s on-the-ground research, risk assessments, and monitoring work in global supply chains routinely uncover situations where unethical labor brokers and corrupt government officials are instrumental in greasing the wheels of labor trafficking. The foreign subsidiaries, franchisees, joint ventures, and suppliers of global multinationals who end up employing trafficked migrant workers frequently express… Read More

Stealing the Future

Years ago, a woman paid a bribe to Polish officials to obtain an exit visa for her and her six-year-old son to travel to the United States. Her son was Tom Malinowski, and he would grow up to become the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Speaking recently about this… Read More