Photo Credit: Peter Linke (via Flickr) There is an ongoing debate regarding ‘pay by results’ in the international aid community. The pay by results (PbR) model is one in which aid recipient governments only receive donor funds upon achieving an agreed upon outcome – number of schools built, children inoculated, etc. For example, if the… Read More
Photo Credit: Richard Masoner via Flickr Third parties lie at the heart of corporate compliance risks as 90% of FCPA cases involve external intermediaries. A third party is any person or entity that is not a direct hire or main party to a transaction – typically a contractor or an out-sourced service provider. Examples of… Read More
Photo Credit: DFID (via Flickr) Although the international development community aspires to noble ends, the firms and organizations therein are not free from the same compliance challenges that face corporations with more naked profit motives. Adam Smith International (ASI), the largest international development contractor for the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DfID), can attest… Read More
(Photo: WFP/Praveen Agrawal) This article originally appeared on the TrustLaw blog. Natural disasters affect millions of lives each year and bring humanity together around a common goal of helping the victims and supporting reconstruction. The Asian tsunami of 2004, the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, or the deadly foods in Pakistan later that year are just… Read More