Instituting an Effective Compliance Program

The third video of CIPE’s Anti-Corruption Compliance series looks into detail the initial steps for instituting an effective compliance program. The video explains how to implement the following points:

  • conduct a risk assessment for a company’s specific business unit, geographic location, or for the entire firm;
  • develop a code of conduct with anti-corruption and bribery as the foundation for all company policies & procedures;
  • build a sound compliance infrastructure with a strong corporate governance that sets the right tone from the top as well as a chief compliance and ethics officer who looks at compliance issues within companies;
  • and provide regular, on-going education and training services for management, staff and board members on important elements of compliance system.

Learn more about each of these points by watching the video here.

This video is part of CIPE’s video series that explores the basic elements of an anti-corruption compliance system. The content of the videos are based on CIPE’s Anti-Corruption Compliance Guidebook .