Anti-Corruption & Governance Center

Building integrity and transparency into the drive for prosperity through good governance.

The Anti-Corruption & Governance Center Operates in Four Thematic Areas:


Anti-Corruption Compliance

Targeting the supply side of the corruption equation by reducing private sector misconduct.

Integrated Compliance

Managing corruption, labor, and environmental risks by helping companies adhere to international standards.

Anti-Corruption Rapid Response

Acting swiftly to cement anti-corruption gains during political windows of opportunity.

Private Sector Collective Action

Building coalitions of companies to fight corrosive, endemic corruption.


The Anti-Corruption & Governance Center is part of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). Launched in 2018, ACGC is home to much of CIPE’s thought leadership on anti-corruption programming, including the Rapid Response, Integrated Compliance, and Anti-Corruption Compliance approaches currently being implemented in over 30 countries.

We believe that effective, inclusive, and transparent governance is essential to provide equal access to prosperity. Much of our work is informed by the fact that corrupt actors are endlessly imaginative, demanding equally resourceful solutions. Strong democratic institutions and civil society actors curb corruption by holding public officials, businesses, and individual citizens accountable.


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Meet Our Team

Frank Brown,

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Michele Crymes,
Deputy Director

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